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Sharing Inspiration 2019 ...for Policy Maker

Collection of materials and presentations shared and discussed at the Policy Maker's day of the conference Sharing Inspiration 2019 - The Power of Realization.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Topic:  STEM

Tags  STEM ,  T3 ,  Sharing Inspiration 2019

Sharing Inspiration – The Power of Realization was the 2019 edition in tradition of a biennial conference format of the educator network T³ Europe [T-cubed]. The conference focused on sharing best practices across Europe regarding curriculum aligned STEM education.

The 2019 conference theme was “The Power of Realization”. The conference theme has a double meaning: “to realize” in the sense of “to understand” and also in the sense of “to make something concretely happen”. This tackles the pedagogical efforts in the classroom as much as the efforts of policy makers and alike to set the right conditions.

Day 1 of the conference was specifically designed for policy makers, industry stakeholders, key decision makers and leading educators from across Europe. Around 85 participants exchanged about classroom implementation and structural questions setting the context regarding further improved STE(A)M education.

Day 2 to 4 (March 29 to 31) were designed for educators, mainly professional development instructors. Around 165 participants shared ideas about classroom practice and implications on professional development. Shared materials can be found in this content portal by following the tag "Sharing Inspiration 2019".

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 Meer info: Creative Commons.