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STEM-inspired evolution of the French senior high school’s curriculum: how will the teachers handle the challenge?

Since 8 years, STEM-oriented courses in the French educational system “grow and multiply” slowly but regularly. It happened for first time in 2010 as an optional grade 10 all-sciences discovery course and later in 2016 as a standard “sciences and technology” course for all grade 6 pupils (partly due to the influence of the PISA study). Soon will emerge other such courses in grades 11 and 12, mixing either mathematics and physics or physics, chemistry, biology and geology. Other STEM-related courses deal with the introduction to computer science (algorithms, digital creation, etc.), interfacing with the mathematics and technology courses.

In the workshop, after a brief presentation of these various courses, we will mainly discuss the teacher-related problem that arises with the emergence of such new courses: how to train the existing teachers so they will to be able to deliver efficiently the courses, how to develop the interactions between teachers of very different scientific cultures ?

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