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Straight-line Graphs

Introducing the connection between linear equations and straight-line graphs

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Jay Timotheus

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Patterns, Functions

Patterns to Graphs

Experience the connection between a number pattern and its graph

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Patterns, Functions, Graphs

Higher Maths Exam Questions

Higher Maths exam questions on the topics of straight line, differentiation, polynomials and functions are presented with solutions.

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Functions, Differentiation, Polynomial Division, Linear


Explore functions in a novel environment - moving points on two parallel lines.

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Andy Kemp

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Quadratic, Functions, Exponential, Linear


Recording matchstick patterns leads to linear functions. (Contains video tutorial)

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Nevil Hopley

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Patterns

Population predictions

Real-time population data is used to develop models and make predictions of world population growth.

Uitgever: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Jonathan Powell

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Exponential, Data