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Abiturprüfung Niedersachsen - Mathematik EA

Umfangreiche Aufgabensammlung zur gezielten Vorbereitung auf das Zentralabitur in Niedersachsen für das Erhöhte Anforderungsniveau.

Uitgever: Stark Verlag

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Abiturprüfung Niedersachsen - Mathematik GA

Umfangreiche Aufgabensammlung zur gezielten Vorbereitung auf die Abiturprüfung im Fach Mathematik (Grundlegendes Anforderungsniveau) an Gymnasien in Niedersachsen.

Uitgever: Stark Verlag

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Differentialekvationer – hur fungerar Eulers metod

Ma 5 - Differentialekvationer - Vi går noggrant igenom Eulers stegmetod som finns som inbyggd funktion hos TI-Nspire CX.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Stochastics, Curriculum, Differential equations, Euler method, Exercise

Ekvationer i balans

Ma 1 | Algebra | Syftet med denna aktivitet är att eleverna ska förstå vad det betyder att ett ordnat par är en lösning på en linjär ekvation och på ett linjärt ekvationssystem.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Curriculum, Equations, Exercise, Linear

Exponentialfunktionen och ränteberäkningar

Ma 3 | Algebra och mer om funktioner | Exponentialfunktioner har många tillämpningar inom ekonomi. En av de viktigaste, ränta-på-ränta, har vi redan haft med i exempel och övningar tidigare…

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Curriculum, Exercise, Functions, Interest


Ma 4 och 5 | Diskret matematik | I denna aktivitet finns två problem om insekter som vandrar i koordinatplanet längs räta linjer och längs periferin på en cirkel.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Circles, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Derivative, Geometry

An European TI-Nspire Science Pilot 2012

The TI-Nspire Lab Cradle - a solution to investigate work in science supporting students' understanding through the use of technology

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway

Auteur: Abdel Yazi, Armando Severino, Cathy Baars, Fernanda Neri, Fiona Dickens, Frank Liebner, Jean-Louis Balas, Lee Fox, Olivier Douvere, Petra Ryrstedt, Sanja Herrström, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, STEM

Tags: STEM, Temperature, Time, Physics

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics

Using TI-Nspire CAS for teaching and learning of mathematics in engineering courses such as calculus (single variable, multiple variables), linear algebra, differential equations, complex a…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Engineering

TI-Nspire­ CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Systems of Three Linear Equation in Three Unknowns

Addressing the (simple) case of a unique solution and both explicit plotting and parametric 3D plotting

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Linear regression, Modeling, System of linear equations

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Parameter in a System of Linear Equations

Using rref, solve and linsolve when solving a system of linear equations with parameters

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Line Integral: Residue Integration and Laurent Series

Complex analysis: Let f be a function of the complex variable z having a finite number of singularities consisting of isolated poles. Let C be a simple closed path in the complex plane ...

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Falling Object Under Air Force Resistance

Applying Runge-Kutta to solve differential equations, illustrated on the situation of a falling object.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Integral calculus, Integration, Material to order, Mathematical thinking

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Geometric Transformations and Matrices

Rotating triangles and circles: find the volume of a solid of revolution.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Parametric Equations for a Great Circle

Find parametric equations for curve of intersection, e.g. sphere and plane

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Library of Laplace Transforms

Laplace transformation and inverse Laplace transformation

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Unit Step and Impulse - Spring-mass Problems

Differential equations with piecewise defined functions.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Tips and tricks

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: First Order Systems and Symbolic Matrix Exponentiation

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by using a library of Laplace Transformations

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Engineering, Matrix