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Profile Of : T³ Europe


T³ Europe


T³ Europe is a network of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers that serves as umbrella body for 12 country organizations to provide quality professional development, classroom-proven content and integrated state-of-the-art classroom pedagogy. For more than 20 years, T³ Europe has fostered a culture of cooperation, collaboration and sharing of expertise among educators from classroom teachers to policy makers.





TI InterActive! in the Classroom

Originally developed for TI InterActive! software, today applicable to Interactive Notes application of TI-Nspire. Integrating text editing, function plotter, computer algebra, spreadsheet …

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Adrian Oldknow, Tor Jan Aarstad, Salvatore Regalbuto, Paul Drijvers, Renée Gossez, Friedrich Tinhof, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra

Applications in the Classroom

Graphing Calculator Software Applications (APPS) are pieces of software that can be downloaded onto a TI graphing calculator as you would add software to a computer to enhance its capabilit…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Editor: Koen Stulens

Auteur: Martin van Reeuwijk, Serge Etienne, Hildegard Urban-Woldron, T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Analysis, Animations, Calculus, Data collection, Dynamic Simulations, Finance, Inequalities, Cones, Spreadsheets, Area

Statistiek met de TI-84 Plus CE-T

Een overzicht van de beschrijvende, verklarende en inferentiële statistiek met behulp van de TI-84 Plus CE-T

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Philip Bogaert

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: T3 Cahier, T3 Cahier Wiskunde, Statistics

Onderzoekscompetenties: Wiskunde en moderne technologieën

Een verkenning van het gebruik van wiskunde en ICT in de hedendaagse

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Didier Deses

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Programming, T3 Cahier, T3 Cahier Wiskunde

Kennismaking met de TI-84 Plus Color

We bekijken de nieuwigheden van de TI-84 Plus Color .

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Didier Deses

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: T3 Cahier, T3 Cahier Wiskunde, Programming

Onderzoekscompetenties: Fractalen met de TI-84 Plus

Dit cahier gaat over het verwezenlijken van de onderzoekscompetenties wiskunde/wetenschappen met behulp van de TI-84 Plus.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Didier Deses

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: T3 Cahier, T3 Cahier Wiskunde, Fractal

Voorbeelden met de TI-84 Plus uit de Analyse

Dit cahier gaat over analyse met de TI-84 Plus.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Didier Deses

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: T3 Cahier, T3 Cahier Wiskunde, Analysis

The Bungee Jumper: a simple mathematical model

Exploring the energy transfers as a bungee jumper falls by considering each of the three stores (kinetic, gravitational and elastic) as a function of x and then summing.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Ian Galloway

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: Acceleration, Algebra, Dynamic Simulations, Functions, Mathematical thinking, Mechanics, Modeling, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2019, Stochastics, Sustainability

Earth-Moon Model

Constructing a scale model of the Earth and Moon in a classroom.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Nevil Hopley

Onderwerp:  STEM

Tags: E-Learning, Algebra, Modeling

Simple Coding of Statistical Simulations

We will show you how to construct simulations of experiments of chance. We shall use the minimum amount of code, aiming to use just the Calculator and Data & Statistics applications as much…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Nevil Hopley

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Electricity, Physics, STEM

Simulation of a Chi-Squared Test of Association in a Two-Way Contingency Table

This code simulates a test of association for any two-way contingency table and compares it to the appropriate Chi-Squared distribution.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: Nevil Hopley

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

Tags: Equations, Electricity, Functions, Engineering, Statistics, Magnetism, Stochastics, STEM, Test of hypothesis

Lua Scripting HQ

TI-Nspire Lua Scripting Tutorials
Work through the lessons to get the most out of your TI-Nspire documents, then Lua scripting adds a whole new dimension.

Auteur: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics

TI-Nspire Tech Skills - Lua Scripting

Develop content-rich simulations and interactive documents with TI-Nspire™ technology.

Auteur: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Lua Scripting for Math, Science and STEM Education - Part 2

Lua scripting empowers teachers and students in developing simulations and interactive documents and in exploring mathematics and science concepts.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics, STEM, Computer Science

Lua Scripting for Math, Science and STEM Education - Part 3

Lua scripting empowers teachers and students in developing simulations and interactive documents and in exploring mathematics and science concepts.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Lua Scripting for Math, Science and STEM Education - Part 1

Lua scripting empowers teachers and students in developing simulations and interactive documents and in exploring mathematics and science concepts.

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Auteur: T³ Europe

Onderwerp:  Mathematics, Computer Science, STEM

Aufgaben zur Analysis mit TI-Nspire™ CX CAS

Das Material zeigt anhand verschiedenener Ausgaben, wie man CAS in der Analysis sinnvoll einsetzen kann. Das Material bezieht sich auf das T³ Cahier 33, Didier Dedes, T³ Vlaanderen (www.t3v…

Uitgever: T³ Europe

Editor: Josef Böhm

Onderwerp:  Mathematics