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Dash, Watch out for Rover

Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Wiskunde

Tags  Afstand ,  Lineair ,  Maten ,  Voorspellingen ,  Tijd ,  Snelheid

Dash, Watch out for Rover!

Students drive their Dash as close as possible to a toy dog in just one try



Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.


Useful for STEM events, middle school math, algebra and physical science classes.


Concepts include:

Proportional reasoning

Measurement and units

Distance, Rate (Speed) and Time




Problem-solving strategies

Simple coding



Project Resources 


TI-84 Plus CE Python

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link

Download Teacher Document   PDF  link  Word Doc  link

Download Example TI-84 Plus CE Python .8xv Program File  link


TI-Nspire CXII Python

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link

Download Teacher Document   PDF  link 

Download TI-Nspire .tns file  link



Learn to do the project yourself 

Follow link to Getting Started with the Wonder Workshop Dash  link

Follow link to download Meet the Dash with Geometry Challenges link

Follow link to download Getting Started and Beyond Resources link





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